A unique program developed by experts

Cami Web is a unique web-based program that delivers a personalised, step-by-step learning experience for learners of Mathematics (mainstream) and now also Mathematics for Special Needs.

The only solution for all learners who follow a Special Needs Mathematics program

  • Both subjects, Mathematics and Mathematics for Special Needs are aligned to the current CAPS curriculum. The Maths Special Needs program follows the CAPS outline for learners with Special Needs with grades progressing from Grade 1 (8 to 9-year-old learners) to Grade 5 (16 to 18-year-old learners).

  • Cami Web offers learners unlimited amounts of exercises, which allows learners to progress at their own pace. The program also offers an Adaptive Learning-platform, which intelligently adapts exercise content and difficulty according to the learner’s performance.

  • Buy Cami Maths for Special Needs for only R200.